Temperature Probes


STEP 1: Attach the stainless steel wire rope and expandable sleeving

The cables are fairly thin and flimsy so we're going to also add a stainless steel wire rope to help protect them from accidental breaks.

The fragile cables will then be wrapped with two layers of 1/8" expandable sleeving. The colours are not important here. Use whatever colour you like!

We used black as the first layer followed by blue. The sleeving on the inside won't be seen.

Finally some black heat shrink tubing is used to hold the lose ends of sleeving in place.

Before you begin, cut off the three spade connectors. They will not be used.

Stainless steel wire rope, expandable sleeving, heat shrink tubing, and the female XLR connector:

Loosen both of the screws on the detachable connector and loop the stainless steel wire rope around one of the two screws:

One at a time, slide on the two pieces of expandable sleeving to cover the enter length of the cable. Use electrical tape to hold together the ends of the first layer of sleeving when applying to second layer. Tuck both pieces under the detachable connector clamp and tighten both screws. Trim any lose edges of expandable sleeving and then slide on a 6" piece of 1/4" heat shrink tubing. Apply heat using a heat gun to shrink it:

Slide on a 2" piece of 5/8" heat shrink tubing so that it covers the bottom half of the detachable connector and apply heat using a heat gun to shrink it. The end of heat shrink tubing farthest away from the connector will likely not be tight. This is normal. We will  be covering it up. If building from one of our temperature probe kits, we include higher ratio 3:1 heat shring tubing so this will not be an issue.

Slide on a 2" piece of 3/8" heat shrink tubing so that it is over the 1/4 " tubing and the lose end of 5/8" tubing. Apply heat to shrink it: